The “AquaKlear” AK6PT Wastewater Treatment system is an economical alternative for use in treating domestic wastewater generated by normal household activities. The system consists of a single tank extended aeration activated sludge system which is capable of producing a clear odorless effluent. This system has been successfully tested and listed by NSF International in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 40.
Raw wastewater flows into the pretreatment tank for standard anaerobic digestion and capture of heavy solids. Wastewater then flows into the aeration zone of the extended aeration system. Here, the oxygen supplied by the aeration system, along with the organic matter in the waste stream, creates an ideal environment for the growth of aerobic micro-organisms. These organisms convert the waste organic materials into gases and additional micro-organism cell material. In addition to supplying oxygen, the aeration system keeps the contents of the aeration zone well mixed to provide optimum exposure to the micro-organisms to the waste material. The actions of the beneficial micro-organisms also result in a significant reduction in pathogenic bacteria.
After approximately 24 hours of detention in the aeration zone, the mixture enters the clarifier where quiescent conditions enable separation of the micro-organisms. The settled micro-organisms are returned to the aeration zone and the clear, treated wastewater is discharged through the launder assembly. At the surface of the clarifier there is a “patented skimmer assembly” which removes floating solids and returns them to the aeration zone automatically, while not disturbing the quiescent conditions of the clarifier. Effluent may be discharged to an accepted discharge point that is in compliance with all state and local laws and regulations.
The “AquaKlear” Wastewater Treatment System exceeds all effluent water quality requirements for Class 1 designation (25 mg/L CBOD5 and 30 mg/L TSS) as set forth by NSF/ANSI Standard 40. The six month daily average for the AquaKlear, Inc. system is 8 mg/L CBOD5 and 9 mg/L TSS.
The AquaKlear AK6PT sewage treatment plant is designed to treat wastewater generated by ordinary household and small commercial activities with a design capacity of 600 gallons per day (GPD).